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REST API Overview

The IQM platform uses standard REST API calls and responses for its applications. Our API has URLs organized by resource, supports form-encoded requests, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes.

Base URL

Review the following sections for the basic information on API specifications to avoid errors and workflow interruptions.


The minimum requirements are: creating an account with IQM, running at least one campaign, and attaining authentication to use the platform. Review the Before You Begin page for details on these requirements before using the IQM API.

Alternatively, see the Authentication Quickstart Guide to sign up, log in, and obtain an authentication token. Then, see the Quickstart Guide for Creating a New Campaign.

Once these steps are completed see the other Quickstart Guides and the Guidelines pages for a comprehensive overview of the IQM platform's API.


The IQM API uses bearer authentication tokens to authenticate as well as an Organization Workspace ID (owId). Authentication is obtained on sign up and log in.

Refer to the Sign Up and Authenticate Quickstart Guide for more information.

HTTP Request Methods

Data resources are accessed via standard HTTP requests in UTF-8 format to an API endpoint. Refer to MDN Documentation on methods for more information.

The IQM API uses the following HTTP methods:

HTTP Methods
GETRetrieves Resources
POSTCreates Resources
PUTChanges or replaces resources
DELDeletes Resources
PATCHApplies partial modification to a resources

Error Handling

IQM uses HTTP status codes.

Please refer to MDN Documentation on status codes for more information.

Error Codes
400Bad Request
408Request Timeout
412Precondition Failed
422Unprocessable Entity
429Too Many Requests
500Internal Service Error

Rate limits

The message rate limit is 20 requests per minute. Exceeding the limit will cause a 429 (too many requests) error.

The maximum data size per page is 1K rows.