
Delete watch history by ID

Removes the watch history you identify in the id parameter from the watch history resource, if the watch history exists.




Parameter name Type Description
id string The record ID of the watch history to delete

Request headers

Content-Type: application/json

Request body

DELETE {server_url}/watchHistory?id=<id_to_delete>

Return body

Returns the watch history you deleted from the watch history resource

      "user_id": 1,
      "movie_id": 1,
      "watched_date": "2024-05-20",
      "location": "theater",
      "id": "105c"

Return status

Status value Return status Description
200 Success Action completed successfully
202 Accepted Action has been queued
204 No Content Action has been performed, but the response does not include an entity
404 Error Specified watch history record not found
ECONNREFUSED N/A Service is offline. Start the service and try again.

Create a new watch history