
Before you start a tutorial

These are the steps you must do before you can run the tutorials for the Visual Chronicle service.

Expect this preparation to take about 20 minutes to complete.

Preparing for the tutorials

The following instructions describe how to prepare for running the tutorials on Windows. For information about how to prepare MacOS for the tutorials, visit the MacOS installation guide.

To complete the tutorials in this section, you need the following:

Test your development system

To test your development system, follow these steps:

  1. Create and checkout a test branch of your fork of the Visual-Chronicle repo. Your GitHub repo workspace is the directory that contains your fork of the visual chronicle repo.

     cd <your GitHub repo workspace>
     # (see the visual chronicle directory in the list)
     cd visual-chronicle
     git checkout -b tutorial-test
     cd api
     json-server database.json

    If your development system is installed correctly, you should see the service start and display the URL of the service: http://localhost:3000.

  2. Make a test call to the service.

     curl http://localhost:3000/users
  3. If the service is running correctly, you should see a list of users from the service, such as in this example.

             "id": 1,
             "name": "Alice Johnson",
             "email": ""
             "id": 2,
             "name": "Bob Smith",
             "email": ""

If you don’t see the list of users, or receive an error in any step of the procedure, investigate and correct the error before continuing. Some common situations that cause errors include:

  1. You mistyped a command.
  2. You aren’t in the correct directory.
  3. A required software component didn’t install correctly.
  4. A required software component isn’t up to date.

If you see the list of users from the service, you’re ready to do the tutorials.